A Necessary Eulogy

I stood silently for a while,
                in the plush neighborhood,
                                    paying homage to a garbage can,
    thinking of the recent demise
                    of the foremost Syrian poet this century,
                                                     if not many more centuries,
                        an old man who had passed away,
                                   not too unexpectedly,
                                                     a mere two days ago,
                                                                          of heart failure.
                           The very old man who had inspired many of us,
                                                                   for a long period of time,
                                                                            with his poetry of love,
                                                                                                          and patriotism.
                                 Yet another one of those old Arab men
                                      who had mastered so well the art
                      of denuding souls,
                                       including their own,
              with words,
 They named a street after him,
                         appropriately enough,
                                        mere hours after his death,
                                               or so it was said,
            and his funeral today will be attended
                                             by the cream of Arab societies, naturally,
                             civil servants,
                   even men of religion,
                                      and many, many women I am sure.

All will say eulogies for him.
All will sincerely mourn his death.

But to me,
             it will all be pomp and circumstance,
                    without any meaning,
             or significance
For the truth of how things really are
                          in Arab societies today,
                                    is reflected right there in front of my saddened eyes
                          on that little hapless leaflet,
                    announcing the man’s death,
            appropriately posted
   on the garbage can.

 May 3, 1998

Note: Written May 3, 1998, in honor of the late Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani.